On our long journey, we finally approached the "great and terrible" Kailash so much that before meeting with the long-awaitedth we have only a few hours left with mysticism and miracles. It was decided to ride the last 70-kilometer stretch from the village of Montser to the village of Darchen at the foot of the sacred mountain.

Takla Makan - Tibet plus Kailash, p. 26

Expeditionary Travel Report 2010
through the Takla-Makan desert, the Kun-Lun ridge and the Tibetan plateau to Mount Kailash
in diary entries, photographs and "oil paintings"

April 28. Twenty-fourth day of the route
The uncomfortable, dusty and roaring travel by bus on Tibetan roads over the previous two or three days shook us out of ... no, not "all our souls", but the desire to switch back to bicycles. And, in my opinion, the bicycles themselves also liked to lie packed on the roof of the bus. Therefore, the first few kilometers in the morning, when I had to pedal again, were hard. Something in my bike was rubbing, clinging, not shifting, and braking. In short, the "iron horse" kicked, refused to ride and trudged behind everyone.
But other options were already ruled out, so everyone had to come to terms. Forty minutes drive on the dirt road, and we rolled out onto the track.

Asphalt on the roads of Tibet is mostly absent, but if it is, then it is good. The phrase "bad asphalt road" is not typical for China. They build here conscientiously. Or perhaps - for fear.
However, the first ten kilometers from the village of Montser to the east, towards Kailash, the Chinese built "on ot @ is". The asphalt looked fresh, but the edges of the pavement were already breaking off, the curbs in some places had slipped into the ditch. But every 100-200 meters, holes were drilled in the asphalt - this was clearly a core sample taken - to check the quality of the roadway and the reasons for its destruction. We have never seen such a thing in Russia. Yes, and what exactly should we check? And why drill? And so in every domestic pothole you can see the entire road "sandwich" in full thickness: five centimeters of gravel and a centimeter of bitumen.
I think that the investigation into the case of the road builders has already been completed, and the Chinese foreman has been shot. However, maybe he just sits in jail, because the asphalt has improved further.


The landscapes along which the route is laid are somewhat similar to those in Transbaikal: wide steppe valleys and low mountains with gentle slopes. The land is very dry, yellow, no vegetation. Most likely, the grass will sprout later, when the rainy season begins, and then the desert will turn into a pasture. In any case, long stretches of the steppe are fenced off by wire, apparently, wild antelopes, of which there are a lot, compete with livestock.


4. Wild antelopes

It is known that Tibetan pastoralists lead a nomadic lifestyle. When the pastures become scarce, families load all their goods on the backs of the yaks and move to a new place. We almost found a caravan of nomads on the road: they had just crossed the road, passed through the gates in wire fences and were quickly moving away towards the mountains. Bad luck…


Until the foot of Kailash we have ... "exactly 6666 m"
As we moved eastward, a large ridge began to grow from behind the relatively gentle mountains. And then the road went parallel to this mountain range with snow-capped peaks, many of which are similar in shape to pyramids.
The ridge is called Kailash, and its central peak bears the same name - a great mountain in every sense, the final goal of our expedition.

6. Pyramidal Kailash is not visible yet. But other mountains are also like pyramids.

The road is getting closer and closer to the ridge, but the mountains in it are hardly distinguishable, because they are covered by low dark clouds, from which rain streams descend to the ground with a thick gray fringe. And above the valley, clouds hang high in the sky and the weather is beautiful.



But now the clouds, hiding the ridge, brighten, spread, through them at first ghostly, and then Kailash is clearly visible.



We have seen this mountain many times in photographs, it is impossible not to recognize it.

11. Mount Kailash, view from the south.

It's time to tell a little about this famous mountain, which millions of people are interested in and revered as the greatest earthly shrine.
As Mecca for Muslims, Kailash is the spiritual center of several religions at once. This mountain is worshiped by Hindus, Buddhists, followers of the Bon religion and Jains. And just curious people around the world are interested in it.

The Tibetans believe that Buddha Shakyamuni lives on the top of Kailash, the Hindus are sure that God Shiva lives there (this is his summer residence, and for the winter he moves to the Hindu temple Pashaputinah in Nepal), that the mountain is not just holy, it is a source of blessed power, capable of positively influencing the present fate of the believer and the history of his subsequent reincarnations. To purify and improve your karma, you need to make a circular tour (kora) around Kailash. Therefore, every Buddhist seeks to bypass the sacred mountain at least once in his life. But it's better to do it many times, ideally 108 times. Then you can confidently count on a "successful, high-quality" reincarnation.


"Some of us are an idiot ..."
The sacred mountain "like a magnet" attracts not only believing pilgrims, curious tourists, but also various crooks. The crooks arrange walking tourist trips to Tibet, to Kailash, follow the same paths that the pilgrims walk, but call their trips "scientific expeditions." After completing the bark, true Buddhists strengthen their faith and spirit, and our pseudoscientists have new ideas in their heads, they make "sensational discoveries", and tons, kilometers and terabytes of lies and stupidity are born in the form of books, articles, interviews, videos about “Secrets and riddles of Kailash”.

What Buddhists, Hindus and “others like them” believe in, I don’t call it stupidity. This is their religious teaching, which has evolved over the centuries, fairy tales, legends for believers, enshrined in ancient scriptures. This is the spiritual culture of entire nations. Tibet, Nepal, India….
But what new “researchers” are inventing and inventing is natural nonsense.
Even those who know about Mount Kailash only by hearsay are probably aware that it resembles a pyramid, and that some ... how to put it mildly ... modern dreamers (who call themselves only scientists and researchers) such as ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev, that this pyramid is man-made. Why is there only Kailash! There are about a hundred pyramid mountains here, and all of them were created by ancient sculptors! "This is the largest megalithic complex on Earth, built by an unknown civilization.", - announced Professor Muldashev.
Everything was built, of course, by hand ("the Tibetans did not know other technologies").
The height of these "artificial pyramids" is a kilometer and a half. Well, guys did a good job!
Dr. Muldashev does not explain anything else (and why !? People believe him anyway, journalists put his every word on the air and in print). But we can figure it out for ourselves: some centuries ago, the Kailash area, obviously, was a plain. The builders of the "megacomplex" pulled out (by hand) thousand-ton boulders from the ground - they turned out gorges, and piled them up, - they turned out to be pyramid mountains. Otherwise, where could they get the building material? Not from the neighboring mountain range to drag! However, why not !? They could drag boulders for a thousand kilometers. Mountains already existed before, but so-so…. And fanatical enthusiasts increased each - by a kilometer, and Kailash - by two, giving the shape of a pyramid! And what! It's very easy using levitation! As easily as another "scientist", "specialist in Kailash" tells about it from the screen. Well, and only later, when all the workers went to rest, Shiva and Buddha settled on the mountain.

13. According to E. Muldashev: "The largest megalithic complex on Earth"

Shambala Muldashev, of course, also found Shambhala and, of course, on Kailash. "The mountain is hollow inside" - this is the doctor's ophthalmologist not only saw, but also "immediately felt". There is a door inside Kailash: “I saw her. This is a notch in the mountain, about 150x200 meters, closed with a stone. I must say an ancient spell and the door to Shambhala will open by itself. ", - says Muldashev calmly. For so many centuries humanity has been looking for Shambhala! Now the issue has been resolved! Only now, damn it, "the spell is lost"!

By the way, against the background of other schizophrenic mutterings stated about Kailash by all sorts of esoteric mystics, occult occultists and outright charlatans, the thesis about his "man-madeness" does not seem even the biggest nonsense.

Among the Russian-speaking nonsense writers, apart from the aforementioned Ernst Muldashev, I would name two more "fresh" authors: A. Redko and S. Balalaev. One of them is a "scientist-physicist", the other is an esoteric guru. "
If Muldashev started writing rubbish about Kailas before 2000, Redko and his colleague began to “freak out” from 2004, but they were very successful in this. In addition to this trinity, some "dowsing specialists", parapsychologists, members of the "Society of Atlantis Explorers", fake Russian pilots who flew over Kailash, fake climbers, fake professors ... came to light. A gathering of these figures, with the active support of AiF, Ren TV and other yellow media, for 10-12 years have pounded so much nonsense to fool gullible citizens that I cannot briefly describe all the nonsense (there are whole documentaries, books of three hundred pages ...).

The single sober voices of real scientists are practically inaudible, they are drowning in an ocean of nonsense and ignorance that has swept through all the media. And it is impossible to refute the insane statements, due to the complete absence of any meaning in them. No wonder it is said: "One fool can ask so many questions that a hundred wise men will not answer."

In order not to be unfounded, I will analyze a couple of examples of pseudo-scientific stupidity.
Pseudoscientists - the authors of delirium - charlatans (or sincerely deluded people?), Who go to Kailash for "new discoveries", call their trips scientific expeditions, but at the same time they do not know and do not understand elementary things, for example, such as methods and methods for determining geographical heights. They probably continue to think that the geodesist George Everest measured the height of Chomolungma with a rope in 1841, climbing to the top.

“Nobody knows the true height of this mysterious mountain. Measurements carried out in various ways show that it fluctuates up and down by several tens of meters annually, which can be seen from the data of maps and reference books. Kailash seems to "breathe" around the average height of 6666m! "- write A. Redko and S. Balalaev ("Tibet-Kailash. Mysticism and reality" (2009).
The authors who wrote this absurdity have no idea what they are talking about. The movement of the earth's crust, even with an amplitude of only one meter, is at least the result of a tremendous earthquake of magnitude 10-12.
In fact, even in Wikipedia it was written a long time ago that the height of Kailash is 6714m. But our expeditioners really like the four sixes. We read further:

“It is believed that three sixes is the“ number of the beast, ”but the biblical Apocalypse says that this is also the number of a person. And in esoteric teachings, the three sixes are the expression of the Highest creative principle of the Cosmos and symbolize the power of the Divine Reason. Four sixes are the sign of the Absolute. "

The magic of numbers and Professor Muldashev is mesmerizing. With the intonation of the messiah, the ophthalmologist broadcasts from the TV screen:

“From Mount Kailash to the Stonehenge monument in England - 6666 km. From Mount Kailash to the North Pole - 6666 km. From Mount Kailash to the South Pole twice 6666 km. On the opposite side of Mount Kailash is Easter Island, where idols are incomprehensible to anyone. Further - the most curious: the height of Mount Kailash is 6666 m, - four sixes! "

All this, of course, is a lie and a hoax. And what does the height of the mountain in meters have to do with the distance to the poles in thousands of kilometers? The professor is lying, and has no idea that measuring between two points on a geoid with an accuracy of a kilometer is a difficult mathematical problem. And if you actually pierce the globe with a knitting needle through the center from Easter Island, then we will get 1000 km away from Kailash - into the Thar desert on the border of India and Pakistan. By the way, I have already examined in detail the theme of the "incomprehensible" idols of Easter Island.

Meanwhile, A. Redko and S. Balalaev, following the results of the 2009 expedition, among other "sensational results", manage to make a "breakthrough in natural science" and for the first time accurately determine the height of Mount Kailash! In the chapter "Details of the most significant results of expeditionary work" (in the same book, where the mountain "breathes around the height of 6666m") the authors write:

“… The exact height of Kailash at the top was determined - 6612 m (in a small area 6613 m). Thus, the true height of the mountain is slightly less than indicated on the maps (6714m) "

After this "fundamental discovery" we should soon expect a new sensation. Since the height of Kailash turned out to be not 6666, but 6613 meters, then, consequently, the distance from the mountain to the North Pole is now 6613 km, and to the South Pole - twice 6613 km. This can only mean one thing: the radius of the Earth is slightly smaller than science thought !!! Well, or the Earth "pulsates" in the rhythm of Kailash and after him also shrank!

Watch your hands
A lot of discoveries were made by the "radish-muldashists" by the method of elementary contemplation of the mountain under different sunlight. If you look long and biased, you will surely see some images and secret signs among the rocks ... Just like children who like to watch the clouds and see the faces of people and animal figures in them, so occult scientists do the same, but only peering into the stones. In the system of cracks on the side of the mountain, they enthusiastically recognize the swastika, looking at ordinary rock walls, see in them huge artificial "stone mirrors", "concentrating tantric energy." They calculate meters and degrees and then manipulate the numbers, compare them with the growth of the idols of Easter Island, the shape of the Ursa Major constellation, the length of the base Egyptian pyramids, the number of beads in the Buddhist rosary, and so on. Deeply meaningless numerical correlations are basically the "scientific" content of their expedition reports.
So, in spite of his own "discovery of the true height of Kailash - 6613m", A. Redko, in a line below, begins to juggle numbers and show tricks with a different number - 6612:

“By the way,” he writes, “for thought for esotericists and numerologists: the number corresponding to the height of the mountain 6 + 6 \u003d 12 and 12 + 12 \u003d 24 looks interesting! Or maybe there is a connection with December (the twelfth month) of 2012, the time when one of the cycles of the Mayan calendar - the Tzolkin ends? Note that during the Tibetan expedition N.K. Roerich, very great importance was attached to the number 24! "

What the author wanted to say with this set of words is completely unclear. But now the phrase quoted above is clear: "... the exact height of Kailash at the top is 6612m (in a small area 6613m)"... The principle of numerological focus is also clear.
Here's how to do it. We take the number 6714 (the height of Kailash) and imperceptibly correct seven into six, and four into three. Nobody noticed how from 6714 it turned out 6613? Perfectly. The next move, we sacrifice one more meter exclusively “for the benefit of science”. Just a meter is such a trifle compared to the incomprehensible essence of Mount Kailash!
And now, with a new "constant" (6612 m), you can safely go out to the general public with the presentation of the book "Tibet - Kailash. The profitability of mysticism. "
- Be careful, - says the author-delusional writer from the stage of the Vasyukinsky club of esoteric chess fans, - we are moving on to the arithmetic mystery of tantric numerology.
Ayin). 6 + 6 \u003d 12;
Zwein). 1 + 2 \u003d 12;
Dryne). 12 + 12 \u003d 24 !!!
... and we have N. Roerich's favorite number! Congratulations to all of us on the scientific discovery!
- Wait, wait, grandmaster professor, but you are cheating! - A one-eyed lover of numerology and biolocation is shouting from the audience. - But this is a complete mold! Where did you get the second "12" !?
- And here! From there! You should have looked more closely at your hands! I also found an amateur! You need to kill such lovers! ..
- But excuse me, teacher, then return the money for the book!
- All, comrades, the lecture is over. Please disperse! Thank you all for your valuable purchase, enjoy your reading!

Let's try one more trick. With Everest. The height of the mountain is known to be 8848m. But why not write: "The height of Everest is 8844 m (in a small area 8848 m)." The “concession” of 4 m is an absolutely insignificant “error” of 0.045%, but the number 8844 is much more “convenient” for our “science”. So, 8844, and we start exercises in numerology. Watch your hands.

Option number 1:
!!! There is N. Roerich's favorite number in the Tibetan expedition!

Option number 2:
8x8 \u003d 64
!!! Done! Here it is, the sacred Tibetan number!
And by the way, is everyone present in the course that Everest is also a pyramid !? Here, you can make sure:

14. Mount Everest is a pyramidal shape and neighboring eight-thousanders. 2008, Nepal, the picture was taken from the plane

"Male lingam in female vagina ..."
Having mastered the technique of cheating with numbers, Redko and Balalaev followed the path of absurdity. They learned to find the hidden sacred meaning of Mount Kailash not only in rigged numbers, but also in images from space. The most rewarding activity for professional travelers, scammers! (And this despite the fact that earlier Professor Muldashev generally asserted that not a single plane had managed to fly over Kailash, and that even from spacecraft it was never possible to photograph the sacred mountain!).

The books of A. Redko and S. Balabaev, nevertheless, abound in space photographs. "Analysis" of photographs from space is reduced by the authors to the children's game "What does it look like !?" For storytellers, this is an extremely important method of knowing the essence of Kailash. Here's a typical example:

"... And now let's look at the Symmetrical Valley" once again ... But it has the shape of an ankh! The same rounding in the northern part of the valley, the same cross, formed by two almost symmetrical valleys-pockets with pyramids in the middle part! But, as we have just seen, since ancient times, in the traditions of all peoples, it is customary to consider the ankh as an image of the path to energy and new life.
Look again at the photo of this amazing valley. After all, she, on the other hand, is in the form of a male lingam in a female vagina at the time of intercourse (recall that in this valley the water is pink, and this is nowhere else in Kailas)! All this then passes into the symbolic "womb" - the Valley of Death. And if we assume that the birth of something or someone, or rather, takes place in the Valley of Death !?

15. Drawing (satellite image) from the book by A. Redko and S. Balalaev “Tibet - Kailash. Mysticism and Reality (2009), p. 157

And doesn't this mean that Death Valley is actually the Valley of Life?
That it is there that the hypothetical emergence of entities or creatures (new races?) Takes place in accordance with cosmic cycles or God's will (which is the same thing). "

Friends, answer, do you understand anything from what has been written? Me not. I don’t even ask why a professional traveler (this is how guru A. Redko is presented) and a climber (this is how physicist S. Balalaev appears) saw in the picture just a cutaway vagina, with a member inside and some kind of cross, and not something else ... Why didn't it seem to them like a pacifier, for example, or, say, a sword handle?
But I bought the book :)

I thought a lot, who they really are - these "muldashevs": sincere fanatics of Buddhism, kind storytellers, naive madmen, or arrogant pragmatic crooks? And I came to the conclusion that, most likely, the latter. After all, Mount Kailash is a "promoted" profitable brand. Better than Easter Island. There are plenty of gullible ordinary people willing to buy unscientific fiction and believe in any occult nonsense. In any Land of Fools there is a fox Alice and a cat Basilio. Why not "cut the money"!
The more nonsense you say, the more "novelty in discoveries" and the faster they will buy, - apparently this is what the pseudoscientists are guided by. But sometimes it still seems to me that they are honest people and themselves believe in their own compositions.

But for some reason, I was very much carried away by criticism, and in the meantime we drove very close to the village of Darchen at the foot of Kailash, and today, very soon we will be able to check whether, as the “muldazvons” say: “The mountain does not let anyone in ... everyone, absolutely any person, going to Kailash, overcomes a certain line ... physically tangible. You feel as if you are passing into a denser environment ... ”.
But what if these people are not lying !? What if, suddenly, tonight (when with friends, we step on the path of the sacred outer crust), we run into the "dense air" of Kailash? And won't the path lead us to the Vagina of Death? And won't we begin to see visions in the form of "thousands of small glowing swastikas hanging in the air" and "a ray of light always beating from the top of Kailash"? ... And then I would actually be, "Thomas the unbeliever" (as he says about me my wife).
However, at this point I will interrupt with revelations, just in case…. But then we will continue ...

While I'm writing a sequel, help me answer two questions.

Until now, scientists argue about the history of this amazing mountain. Is Kailash an artificial pyramid or a mountain of natural origin? Today there is no reliable information about this, as well as how many years ago Kailash was born and why it has the shape of a pyramid, the edges of which accurately point to the parts of the world. It is also surprising and inexplicable that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailash to the Stonehenge monument is 6666 km, and the same is to the North Pole, and to the South Pole - 13 332 km (6666 * 2).

Kailash is a place shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends. And until now the top of the sacred mountain has not been conquered by anyone. Kailash does not allow mere mortals to the summit, where, according to legend, the gods live. Many tried to climb there against all odds. But no one was able to overcome the invisible wall, which, as would-be travelers assure, appeared on their way, preventing them from following to the sacred peak. Kailash seems to repulse them, allowing only those who really believe - to perform ritual kora.

The 4 greatest rivers of Asia with powerful energies originate from Kailash. It is believed that when a person walks around Kailash, he comes into contact with this power. Kailash is a very powerful center of power. It carries the energy of dissolving everything old. The performer of the bark is filled with energy and vitality to help people.

Walking around Kailash is a custom. A custom of faith that contains tremendous power. It is said in Kailash that one who passes the crust with faith and a feeling of union with God gains special divine power here.

The large crust around Kailash takes 2-3 days. Throughout the entire path, a person passes through the strongest energy centers, where divine flows are felt. Kailash is like a temple. All stones on the way have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or higher souls live in stones. According to ancient legends, many divine beings who once visited here turned into stones. And now these stones have a special divine power.

The first day of the bark is anticipation, lightness, elation. On the second day, the highest and most difficult pass passes - Death Pass. It is said that during this period one can experience death. For example, a person may fall and go into a trance. Many people say that during such a trance they felt their body at the very top of Kailash.

The Drolma-la pass symbolizes a new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that this is how a person purifies his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, some dark, negative part of the soul. Having thrown off everything unnecessary on this pass, it becomes easier and freer to go further.

Around Kailash, you can walk either along the outer circle - the big one, or along the small - the inner one. Only those who walked around the outer 13 times are allowed to enter the inner one. They say that if you immediately go there, then the high divine energy will block a person's path.

On the inner crust there are beautiful lakes, the water in them is sacred. A monastery is located on the banks of these lakes. People believe that the enlightened ones still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them, he will be blessed.

When a pilgrim passes the bark, he turns to the higher powers and turns to them with prayer. Kailash is a symbol of the highest deity. And the outer journey to Kailash is actually an inner journey to your deity.

There is a belief that the god Shiva lives on Kailash. For Hindus, Shiva is a force and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the universe: creation, maintenance and destruction. The power of Shiva is the connection with the universal energy.

On the way of the wanderer, obstacles often appear, both physical and spiritual. Kailash tests a person for strength and indicates weakness. Overcoming all difficulties in the pilgrimage is the best way cleanse and change.

When a pilgrim leaves Kailash, sinks lower - he realizes that much is not needed for happiness. We have air that we can breathe, food, a roof over our heads - and this is enough for the happiness of the external material, everything else must be sought inside.

For millions of years people have been coming here and bringing prayer in their hearts. Lake Manasarovar, like Kailash, is revered as sacred. To the right of it is the peak of Gurla Mandhata. According to legend, she was a king in a past life. Then there was no water and the king began to pray. One day God heard his prayers and created a lake out of his mind. This lake is sacred lake Manasarovar.

Another lake near Kailash, called Rakshas Tal, is considered cursed. It is separated from the sacred lake by a narrow isthmus. Surprisingly, with such a close location, these two bodies of water have huge differences. You can plunge into the sacred lake, there are fish and water from it you can drink. The water in this lake is fresh and is considered curative. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the other hand, is salty and you cannot plunge into it. And the places where a spring with dead and living water is located nearby are considered places of power since ancient times.

Kailash also has another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, because of which her body was severely exhausted. After swimming in this lake, Parvati gained a new body, and since then no one else can touch its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Lake Gaurikund.

There are 4 caves in the vicinity of Kailash. One of them, Milarepa Cave, is located in the southeast of Kailash next to the sacred path. According to legend, the great yogi Milarepa put two boulders, on which he installed a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be moved by hundreds and even thousands of people. And Milarepa hewed it out of granite and laid it with his spiritual power. And it was in this place that he attained his enlightenment.

There is a legend that Milarepa and Bonn priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailash. During the first confrontation of supernatural forces on Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa stretched his body along the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung stood on the water surface from above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued the fight, running around Kailash. Milarepa moved clockwise, and Naro Bonchung against. Having met at the top of the Dolma-la pass, they continued their magical battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung proposed to climb to the top of Kailash on the full moon day immediately after dawn. The one who rises first will win. On the appointed day, Naro Bonchung flew to the top on his shamanic drum. Milarepa was quietly resting below. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailash, Milarepa grabbed one of the rays and instantly reached the top, gaining power over the sacred mountain.

Kailash has prayer flags everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them up to succeed in some kind of good endeavors. These flags are also called "Horses of the Wind". The symbol of prayer flags is a horse carrying a jewel on its back. It is believed that it grants wishes, brings well-being and prosperity. The flags are made in five primary colors, symbolizing the five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied to them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and carry encrypted messages around the world.

Kailash is a place of spiritual power that awakens believers, purifies their minds. People come here to say the prayer that everyone carries in their hearts. It is believed that those who make this pilgrimage will be cleansed of all their sins and will learn the secret of the universe.

Films about the secrets and mysteries of the sacred mountain Kailash:

Coordinates of Mount Kailash: 31 ° 04′01 ″ s. sh. 81 ° 18′46 ″ in. etc.

Where is Mount Kailays on the map?

We should look for this mountain shrouded in mysticism on the map west of Hindustan in the region of the Himalayan highlands. Among the Himalayan mountains, Kailash is not the highest. Mount Kailash (from Wikipedia) - “a mountain in the Kailash ridge of the Gangdis mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

This is the most high mountain in its area, it is additionally distinguished from others by the tetrahedral pyramidal shape with a snow cap and edges oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points.

Mount Kailash height until now it remains a controversial issue - so widespread is the statement that Kailash has a height of 6666 m; scientists disagree from 6638 to 6890 m, which is due to the method of measuring the heights of the mountains. In addition, the Himalayas are considered young, so their height increases on average, taking into account the weathering of the rock, by 0.5-0.6 cm per year. "

Who conquered Mount Kailash?

Mount Kailash is still not conquered by any of the people. The most serious climbing attempts were made in 1985 by the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner, but at the last moment he gave up the idea.

Also in 2000, a team of Spanish climbers purchased an expensive permit from the Chinese authorities, but thousands of pilgrims, believers and public organizations protested, and the climbers had to retreat.

Mount Kailash is credited with many mystical and sacred properties.

Kailash is sacred to Buddhists, Hindus and followers of the Bon religion.

Nowadays, not only religious people, but also sincerely seeking spiritual practices, interested in places of power on our planet, make a pilgrimage to the great mountain in order to make a circular detour - Kora. This is a trekking route with a length of about 50 km.

The main difficulty in the passage of Kora is the highlands and acclimatization to heights of 5000-5600 m. Also, according to many people who have visited these places, completely different vibrations and sensations emanating from the majestic and mesmerizing beauty of Kailash make staying on Kore one of the brightest and mystical experiences in life.

200 kilometers from the border with Nepal is sacred mountain Kailash. It does not belong to the main ridge of the Himalayan highlands, according to geologists, this hill rose from the bottom of the ocean. Over time, its edges were sharpened by wind and water, due to which Kailash acquired a rectangular shape.

For many millennia, this place has been considered sacred by all peoples living in the neighboring countries. In India, every Hindu dreams of seeing Kailash at least once in his life. It is this peak that is considered a refuge, which, according to the legends of the followers of Hinduism, destroys illusions and burns bad karma.

The sacred mountain is a popular place for many yogis and seekers of truth, who spend many years there in prayers and meditation. And today people sometimes meet here who want to receive the energy of love and grace.

Pilgrimage of Buddhists

According to the Buddhist faith, if you walk around the mountain with the right motivation and thoughts, then the karma accumulated over several past lives will be cleared. Therefore, the sacred is a favorite place of numerous pilgrims. Hindus and Buddhists go around it in a clockwise direction, while the followers of the Bon religion move in the opposite direction. True pilgrims, eager to receive a guaranteed release from the sins of past lives, must go around Kailash 108 times (the length of one circle is 53 kilometers). It is worth noting that it is not recommended to bypass the sacred place to satisfy your own ambitions, enlightenment will not come, and the mountain will take revenge on unbelievers.

Climbing difficulties

It is believed that everyone who attempted to conquer the sacred mountains of Tibet died on the way to the top or returned, but already crazy. This is explained by ancient treatises. All of them say that the sacred mountain will submit only to the gods, the rest it throws off.

Millions of believers around the world are protesting against the ascent of Kailash, and the UN also supports them. When the Chinese authorities allowed the expedition from Spain to climb the sacred mountain, its participants could not climb higher than their base camp - thousands of pilgrims stood on their way.

Features of Kailash

The sacred mountain is a four-sided pyramid of regular shape. The side faces of this figure are turned to the four cardinal points, and the rounded top resembles an egg in shape. Kailash consists of thirteen horizontally arranged stepped layers, vaguely reminiscent of pyramids. The top of Kailash is covered with a cap of eternal ice. The southern side-wall of the mountain is cut from top to bottom by a straight crevice, which runs exactly along its middle.

Layered terraces on the crack walls form a huge stone staircase that leads from the base of the mountain to its top. In the rays of the setting sun, this natural design creates a peculiar pattern similar to the swastika.

According to Eastern cosmology, the sacred mountain is the center of the world system, which crosses the axis of the universe. ancient cosmogonies, not limited by unnecessary knowledge, clearly builds a colossal picture of the universe. The theories of famous astrophysicists look pale against the background of the ancient Eastern concept of the universe.