Crimeans, you should know: there is no money for your pensions. And for such a necessary thing as swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, there will always be funds in the budget.

At the state dacha Zarya in Foros, where Mikhail Gorbachev was blocked during the 1991 coup, construction work is in full swing.

A new health and fitness complex (FOC) will open here soon. Its purpose (according to the documents) is "the organization of physical training classes, the conduct of sports and recreational activities." On the construction site, for which the Federal Security Service is responsible, whose task is to take care of the life and health of the country's top officials, Russia is ready to spend 650,000,000 rubles.

New "Zarya"

State House No. 11 was built in 1988 by the personal order of Mikhail Gorbachev. In just two years, on the rocky ground, juniper and oak alleys, a grotto, a three-story palace and a whole line of buildings have grown: an office building, a service house, a leisure center with a cinema, billiard room, gym and sauna. Here in the last FSO, apparently, and started a "renovation", deciding to turn the soviet presidential residence into a super-modern sports complex with a total area of \u200b\u200b1,715.5 square meters. m: pools, saunas, hot tubs (683.2 sq. m), a zone of medical procedures (172 sq. m), terraces (172 sq. m), basement (664.5 sq. m).

So, on December 21, 2015, military unit No. 48405 (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it carries out "the activities of federal specialized security and safety services") entered into a state contract with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GUSST No. 4 at Spetsstroy Russia" for "design, reconstruction and health-improving complex of the state dacha No. 11 ". The contractor promised to complete it by September 30, 2016.

New residents of the state dacha needed a crotch shower /

And already on February 26, 2016 (time is ticking!) On the public procurement website FSUE posted three tenders at once for a total amount (read carefully) 524,915,500 rubles, which is more than 100 million less than the initial amount. The search for subcontractors was not only long for the special forces, but did not have to at all - in all three cases, purchases were made from single suppliers. Moreover, as follows from the minutes of the meetings of the competition commission, the customer himself pointed to them.

From the mosque to Foros

The fattest lot - 308.215.000 rubles for the supply of materials for the pool bowl, furnishing and completing with decorative accessories - went to LLC "Author's Stone". This company covered the Moscow Cathedral Mosque with granite. She paved the central Olympic Square in Sochi with labradorite. And the winter garden in the Kremlin has been completely "marred". Among the presentations presented on the site of the "Author's Stone" are the results of work in several private houses of the village "Sosny". The best recommendation for the Kremlin inhabitants. Even more so for us. We take.

Hydromassage pool, contrast hot tubs, hammam. /

Less than others - 77.250.500 - fell to JSC "Holdvent". It will deal with the internal system of electricity, water supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. This JSC is not alien to the FSO: it took care of the military units in Gorki-9 and in Sochi. The headquarters of "Gazprom" saved from the heat. Allowed to breathe Mountain Olympic village in Sochi. In general, they are also good guys. You can deal.

And half a billion more

The remaining 139,450,000 rubles were received by ITC Aquastroy LLC. The track record of this engineering center is even scary to announce: the construction of swimming pools and hot tubs in the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, the installation of equipment for the pool in Bocharov Ruchei ...

At Zarya, Aquastroy will also be able to prove itself. He will have to otrokat: health and hydromassage pools, contrast hot tubs, fountains, steam (hammam) and herbal baths, cryosauna. Equip the spa area with dry and wet floating baths, a medical whirlpool bath, a carbon dioxide bath, a Vichy shower, a Swiss circular shower, a physiotherapy local pelvic bath with an upward shower (the so-called perineal shower), a head cascade shower. And maybe something else - as agreed with the customer.

Facing with an elite stone like the one that the subcontractor performed in Sosny /

The customer, however, is already full of residences and state dachas (not counting sanatoriums), where you can steam and swim. And the country now has a lot of problems even without Foros. But it is not for us to decide what is more important. This is probably why on the same day as at the "Gorbachev" dacha, the FSO concluded another state contract with Spetsstroy - for 550,000,000 rubles. A task? Guess three times! Rebuild a sports and recreation center in the same Crimea, but at a different address - at state residences No. 9 and No. 10. It is just 7 km from the state building number 11. So you Crimeans stay there. And be healthy!

/ Background

According to Major General of the SBU Petr Laishev (in the mid-80s - the deputy head of the 9th department of the USSR KGB in Crimea), the "construction of the century" in Foros was personally supervised by the head of the KGB Viktor Chebrikov: "You should have seen this three-story palace, faced marble, covered with aluminum tiles specially made at military factories ... Especially for the Gorbachevs, a terrenkur was made around the perimeter of the dacha - a tartan path repeating the relief of the territory. "

The whim of the old owners of "Zarya" was the escalator from the house to the sea /

The highlight of the "dacha" was the 120 sq. M. Pool. m. One of its walls was decorated with Florentine mosaics: the image of the underwater world was lined with 42 types of semi-precious stones. Another wall was lowered by special devices, and a view of the sea was opened.

According to official data, Zarya cost the budget 660 million rubles (a billion dollars at those prices).

/ By the way

By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea dated June 14, 2014, state residence No. 11 was transferred to the FSO for free use. To find out the details about Zarya, we turned to Sergey Devyatov, adviser to the FSO director. But the questions after his answers only increased.

“I’m not sure that the state residence No. 11 is on the farm of the FSO,” Devyatov doubted. - I know that some of the facilities went to the Office of the President.

- How can we clarify this?

- (Long pause.) You have puzzled me a little. So offhand, I have no idea what is happening. Moreover, outside Moscow, economic and organizational activities are not an object of public attention.

- Do you hint that construction work at Zarya is a state secret?

- I'm not hinting. It's just that, as a rule, such organizational and technical things are of little interest to readers ...

- How interesting! Especially when their own money is spent on it.

- ... Do you mean "Foros-2", "Foros-4" or "Zarya-2", "Zarya-4"? There are a bunch of objects with different numbers. I don’t really understand which one it is.

Sergey Devyatov / Global Look Press

- We are even more so. We know only one "Dawn".

- In that case, first you need to find out what kind of object it is. It is likely that it is owned by the Crimea or the Administrative Department.

- Crimea passed "Dawn" to you. And the order for the construction was made by the FSO. So yours.

- May be.

- If Zarya is yours, will the president be able to come to this state residence?

- Theoretically, the first persons of the country can appear anywhere in the Russian Federation, regardless of how and what. The main thing is whether they are provided with sufficient security measures.

The village of Mussera is located 57 km south of the Russian-Abkhaz border. From the boarding house "Pitsunda" you can get here directly by sea on the fragile motor ship "Hero of Abkhazia", \u200b\u200bwhich has fallen on its side, about which the team members will definitely say that he took part in the hostilities of 1992-1993 (in what capacity, they will be silent).

Stalin's dachas in Abkhazia are five. The most famous is the green building above the sea on the Cold River. The dacha in Musser, the first of the Abkhaz ones, looks much more modest. Once a magnificent panoramic staircase leads to it, immersed in the greenery of plane trees and palm trees. Now there are no even wooden seats on the benches.

Photo: Defend Russia

The building itself is an asymmetrical two-storey house with a terrace. The Abkhazians did not conjure over the historical preservation for a long time, so they installed air conditioners right into the walls.

Photo: Defend Russia

The marble panels have fallen off in many places, revealing the wood paneling. The paint on the doors is cracked. On the facade of the building itself - a decent ... not even a crack, but a crevice. The construction of the dacha in Musser was personally supervised by Stalin's favorite and the leader of Soviet Abkhazia, Nestor Lakoba (Abkhazians still remember how Lakoba died after dinner at the Mingrelian Lavrenty Beria's). The dacha was built on the foundations of the former luxurious house of the oil industrialist Lianozov.

Photo: Defend Russia

In addition to the walls, there is almost nothing original left in the country house. The building itself was built in the first half of the 30s. Stalin ruled the project personally, paying special attention to secret passages under the object (now access to them is concreted).

Photo: Defend Russia

Stalin was at this dacha eight times. In 1942, she was mined among other important government facilities and, according to the order of Lavrenty Beria, was subject to destruction in case of danger of capture by the Wehrmacht. The guides themselves doubt the originality of the furniture. The lamps have definitely remained authentic.

Photo: Defend Russia

If the general devastation can be explained by the fact that Abkhazia, which fought several times in the post-Soviet years, was not at all up to the preservation of Stalin's dachas, then the vandalism of the air conditioner on the historical wall cannot be justified by anything.

Photo: Defend Russia

The beds in the bedrooms are not original. The table has been preserved Stalinist. On it lies a book from the complete collected works of Lenin.

Photo: Defend Russia

There are volumes in the closet. The excursionists earnestly take pictures with the book, joyfully telling that "Stalin himself kept it." Nobody looks at the year of publication. 1959.

Photo: Defend Russia

The meeting room is the best preserved and is an excellent example of interior decoration with natural wood species, tastefully matched to the color.

Photo: Defend Russia

After the death of the leader Nikita Khrushchev, the "Musser" dacha was removed from the balance of the Central Committee manager, leaving it under the jurisdiction of the famous "nine" - the USSR KGB department, which was responsible for the protection of high officials. According to an unconfirmed version, Khrushchev thus took revenge on Vyacheslav Molotov, who considered Musser one of the best places for recreation (there were guest houses next to Stalin's dacha, and later a sanatorium for the nomenklatura grew). The dacha was guarded until 1988, when the construction of a new important object - "Chaika-M" for Mikhail Gorbachev, began nearby.

Photo: Defend Russia

The guides call the large five-story building “Gorbachev’s dacha”, it looks like a palace, but in reality it serves as the residence of the President of Abkhazia. Taking into account the plight of the republic, the authorities decided to rent rooms to vacationers in the absence of the head of state. The prices, of course, are not Abkhazian. The minimum vacation in 2015 cost from 1,575 rubles (extra bed for a child in a standard room in low season) to 16020 (single adult in a suite in high season). The building has five floors. Due to the difference in relief at the entrance, only two are visible. Tours are led so as not to disturb the guests. The excursion group is watched by two employees of either the security, or the army, or the local counterintelligence. Taking into account some of the peculiarities of the security regime at the facility, if you wish, you can go anywhere, including the kitchen, elevator shafts, distribution boards and living quarters.

Photo: Defend Russia

Tourists are entertained with legends about how "Raisa Maksimovna constantly forced the builders to remodel the facade", "the sand was imported from Bulgaria", "the Yugoslavs built", and "the famous 24-meter chandelier could not be taken away." The guide is very upset: “When the USSR collapsed, 40 trucks were taking everything out of here. Chandeliers, furniture, special equipment ... nothing was left for us. " The question "We should have left it ?!" becomes rhetorical. The chandelier is the main attraction of the house, "piercing" all five floors through and through. There is a spiral staircase around it.

Photo: Defend Russia

They officially show the banquet hall, the elevator hall and the balcony, from which a beautiful view of the bay opens. Both the Gorbachevs' palace, and, moreover, Stalin's dacha are hidden by a massive, wooded cape - from Pitsunda, which is 6 km by sea, these objects are not visible. At the end of the construction, Metrostroy engineers made a tunnel in the rock - from the house to the beach. It has never been used and is now preserved. An artificial bay is located 200 m from the building, into which the submarine was supposed to enter. Why to evacuate the President of the USSR under water, nobody knows. The cinema hall looks boring if you look at it the way the guide suggests.

From the outside, the mansion, faced with sand-colored travertine, looks quite presentable in most places. But in some places it is covered with black patina. This is especially noticeable above the pool. Its design assumes that the glazing is fully sliding, and floating vacationers can enjoy the sea breeze - the beach is less than 100 meters from here. Both the compressor station and the power panel are also available for inspection if requested. I would like to say about the security of the presidential residence: "Stalin is not on you!" - his dacha on the mountain nearby.

Photo: Defend Russia

Why did the first president of the USSR choose this place for rest? There were many options to choose from for placing the residence. For obvious reasons, Livadia and even Mukhalatka did not come. But the picturesque bays between Cape Sarych and Foros immediately attracted the attention of the Gorbachevs. Raisa Maksimovna especially liked this place, called "Gorky Beach" by the inhabitants of Foros. Tesseli's dacha was located nearby, where from 1933 to 1936 the great proletarian writer A.M. Bitter. The bays between Sarych and Tesseli, indeed, differed from the rest of the coast for their pristine nature, untouched nature, peace and quiet. There are no cities and factories for tens of kilometers around. Water and air are crystal clear. Raisa Maksimovna was conquered by the fabulous view of the Foros Church. The information provided to the presidential couple about the sights of Foros finally convinced Mikhail Gorbachev of the correct choice.

The rest is known. The life of this virgin wonderful corner was disturbed by the noise of construction equipment. There were no big problems with the labor force: at that time, the construction of a new sanatorium complex for the administration of the Central Committee of the CPSU was being completed in Foros, which was carried out by the forces of 2 military construction detachments located in the village. All free forces and the best specialists were transferred to the new facility. Transport links and delivery of labor were initially carried out through the territory of the sanatorium, bypassing Tesseli's dacha. Subsequently, a new entrance was built from the side of the South Coast Highway near Cape Sarych.

The Zarya object - an achievement of modern architecture - was built in record time and commissioned almost simultaneously with the new complex in Foros in 1988. The territory of the dacha occupies more than 50 hectares. The dormitory area on all three floors is several thousand square meters. The building houses six bedrooms, an office, two dining rooms, a living room with a fireplace, an exercise therapy room, two halls, a cinema room, and a winter garden. You could get to the beach from the building, like in a subway, by an escalator. Around the main building there are still a lot of buildings: a swimming pool, a catering unit, a boiler room, a greenhouse, a summer cinema and a large administrative building closer to Cape Sarych. Also on the territory of the dacha there is a guest house, a grotto, houses on the beach, waterfalls, fountains, a pier for boats and a helipad.

There is a beautiful park on the territory of the cottage. In place of wild bushes and juniper thickets, more than 100 species of trees and bushes have been planted, brought here mainly from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Among them are cedars, plane trees, chestnuts, strawberries (or, as the people call it, "shameless") and numerous shrubs. The old juniper trees were treated very carefully, they were left, and they perfectly fit into the overall appearance of the park. Perhaps this fact will disappoint people who are greedy for sensations, but the fact remains: the juniper was not cut down, but if necessary, transplanted.

The cost of the entire Zarya facility was approximately 100 million rubles (of course, in the prices of the 1980s). The sleeping building outwardly resembled a fabulous little house with a red tiled roof. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy called it "Gingerbread House". Do not be surprised, it is Tolstoy who is the triple namesake of his famous ancestor. This man is well known in Foros. For a long time he worked in a sanatorium (and now at the Tesseli dacha), but he earned his fame as a knowledgeable specialist through work, leading the security of state facilities. His great-grandfather Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy was the elder brother of the great Russian writer.

Despite the fact that the best specialists were involved in the construction of the dacha, there were some troubles. During the first presidential visit to the dacha, a window cornice fell on the head of the Gorbachevs daughter. As they say, seven nannies have a child without an eye. Even such an important object was built with a marriage. This incident could not remain without consequences - a number of leaders lost their posts.

At one time, sensational reports of landslides flashed in the press, allegedly endangering the very existence of the dacha. As it turned out, "the rumors of death were too exaggerated." Everything remained in place. The project of the Muscovite Yuri Krivushchenko has stood the test of time with honor, and the construction battalion turned out to be at its best.

The following information will again disappoint sensationists. Although the decoration used marble, granite, malachite, and inside expensive furniture, modern technology and works of art; the decoration and comfort of the cottage correspond to the level of a five-star hotel.

Let evil tongues speak of the fabulous luxury of apartments, but the dacha was created as the residence of the president of a great power - the USSR and had to correspond to this. And although the people usually scold Mikhail Gorbachev, the officials who provide the president's rest speak of him with respect. Nothing bad can be said about Raisa Maksimovna, who gave orders to change crystal chandeliers for ordinary ones, to remove expensive dishes, carpets and paths.

It was during her first visits to Foros that Raisa Maksimovna visited the plundered Foros Church and accelerated the resolution of the issue of its restoration.

Billiards was also unnecessary. The president had other hobbies: he loved to go to the mountains and swim. He used the grotto only once - he came to drink tea.

On the morning of August 19, having turned on their televisions and radios out of habit, the hardworking and confident residents of Foros realized that their peaceful existence had come to an end. The absence of telephone communication for several hours confirmed the emerging feeling of fear and uncertainty. Seeing the police arriving in the center of the village, the frightened traders left their watermelons in their cars and drove away from sin.

There were no tanks or armed soldiers in the village. The party sanatorium lived its usual life: dancing, cinema, excursions. It seemed that nothing special was happening. And at the same time, a feeling of fear gripped those whose relatives were arrested along with the president. And there were quite a few of them: from plumbers and dishwashers to managers. Until the last minute of the coup, no one knew what would happen to them. Let's be realistic: events could have taken a completely different path if the people had supported Yanaev and those like him ... The fate of many people who ended up in the country was in jeopardy. There was no connection with them, the dacha was isolated from the outside world.

What happened at the dacha is still a secret behind seven locks. Many participants in those events are still working in the "authorities" and have no right to give any information. The only more or less reliable information is in the book by V. Stepankov and E. Lisov "The Kremlin conspiracy". Excerpts from it were published in the Ogonyok magazine # 34 and 35 for 1992.

On August 21, thanks to the persistence and heroism of the Muscovites, everything was over, and the arrested returned home. Everyone then breathed a sigh of relief.

After August 1991, no one visited the dacha for a long time. The first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk did not rest here either. In the summer of 1994, Anatoly Chubais stayed here for rest. During the celebration of the Navy Day in Sevastopol, Yuri Luzhkov visited the dacha. In 1997, Prince of Wales Charles visited the dacha, who took part in the opening of the memorial to the British soldiers and officers who died near Sevastopol and Balaklava during the Crimean War. By the way, few people know that Winston Churchill's grandfather, the Earl of Marlborough, was killed in the Battle of Balaklava. I was surprised to learn about this during the Yalta conference of 1945 I.V. Stalin, ordered to find his grave and erect a monument.

P.P. Firsov.

Photos of beautiful places of Crimea

The Crimean peninsula attracted many rulers of Russia, ranging from kings and queens, and ending with modern officials. Some places have received mixed popularity. These include Gorbachev's dacha in Foros. This place will be interesting not only for history lovers, but also for lovers of beautiful landscapes: sea, mountains, forests.

Strictly speaking, the urban-type settlement Foros (comes from the Greek word for tax, collection: according to one version, tribute was collected here from local tribes) is located two kilometers further from the former dacha-residence of M.S. Gorbachev. It was built in a few years by the summer of 1988, essentially from scratch. Even the beach was specially equipped, with imported pebbles. Now it is impossible to get inside the building. All the photos were taken only in 1991-1992 by journalists; more third parties were not allowed into the territory.

Construction history

For the guards and members of the USSR government, the dacha was called the object Zarya or dacha No. 11. Before that, there were already several rest houses for the general secretaries in Crimea, but Gorbachev's wife Raisa Maksimovna did not like the existing Crimean estates. So the order for the construction of a new building was created.

Photos from history It was built very quickly. The house and the surrounding buildings are literally cut into the Sarych cape on the rock. Because of the danger of landslides and mudflows, everything was reinforced with the strongest piles. Externally, the dacha was decorated with gray marble.
Inside, they brought in excellent quality plumbing, tapestries and silk wallpaper. The floor is covered with parquet. Old paintings and vases are placed, carpets are laid.

It is believed that the entire construction cost the Soviet treasury $ 150 million.

An entire covered escalator has been built to the beach.

A swimming pool, a cinema, a gym, a winter garden, a yacht pier and a helicopter platform, and several garages for cars were equipped. Various herbs and flowers, trees and shrubs were planted on the territory.

Equipped with a separate underground bunker with special communications.

What happened in Foros during these years

In March 1991, there were reports of the imminent signing of the Union Treaty by the President of the USSR Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - in fact, the beginning of the end of the existence of the Soviet Union. This caused a sharp protest from some representatives of the Government, primarily from the security forces. In the summer, the date of the meeting became known - August 20. Then a conspiracy was born, later known as the GKChP conspiracy.
On August 18, troops entered Moscow; on August 19, the military blocked a dacha in Foros with Gorbachev and his family who were there. All communications were disabled, as well as the nuclear warhead control center. He was asked to resign by canceling the signing of the contract. However, the attempted military coup failed. The Russians opposed and held mass rallies. On August 21, the Gorbachev family urgently returned to Moscow. The conspirators were arrested and taken to the dock. By the end of the year, the USSR ceased to exist, disintegrating into independent states, and with it Gorbachev himself resigned.

Gorbachev strolls through the territory of the dacha.

It's 1991

After the collapse of the USSR, Crimea was subordinated to Kiev. The dacha entered the balance of the government of Ukraine, but for unclear reasons, no one wanted to live in it, except for the second President L. Kravchuk. Further, the object was used for closed meetings of some Russian and foreign officials, other guests of honor. After the events of 2014, the state house was included in the number of departmental real estate of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. How it is used now and whether it is used for its intended purpose at all is unknown.

Small video review

Information for visitors

The dacha in Foros does not have an exact address. It is located on the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, from which you can also see some buildings.
The object is closed from visiting, including from viewing: there is a high fence around the perimeter.

How to get there

  1. By car: moving along the highway from Yalta (about 40 km) to Sevastopol.
  2. On foot, by bike: from the village of Foros there are many paths along the highway. If necessary, ask the locals for directions.
  3. Coordinates: 44.391979; 33.757676.
You can find your way by finding the brick-red roof of the cottage. It is clearly visible from the side of the highway, as well as the seashore if you walk along it.

Gorbachev's dacha on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44.392765, 33.757729 Latitude / Longitude

The state residence in the Crimean Foros is strongly associated with the isolation of the first and last president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, during the 1991 putsch. After the collapse of one country and the birth of a new one, they almost forgot about the dacha, where either he was imprisoned, or the "mineral secretary" was hiding - and in vain, because the complex on the southern coast of the peninsula played a significant role in the events of 25 years ago. 10 most interesting facts about the "Gorbachev palace" - in the material "House".

The real name of the so-called "Foros" or "Gorbachev's dachas" is State dacha No. 11, the Zarya object. The name "Foros" is firmly "stuck" to the residence, although it is located not in the Crimean village of the same name, but about two kilometers from it.

Zarya consists of several buildings, many of which are impossible to see from the side. In addition to the main building intended for the first persons of the country, the site has a service and administrative building, a leisure center with a cinema, a billiard room and a gym, technical buildings. And also a tennis court and a helipad.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the residence, like “our” Crimea, was taken over by the Ukrainian authorities. And after the inclusion of the peninsula in Russia, control over the dacha was acquired by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Then "Foros" experienced the second "finest hour" in its history - the media immediately rushed to evaluate the Crimean state dachas lost by Ukraine and acquired by Russia.

It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a new dacha for the first person of the country was actively supported by Gorbachev's wife Raisa Maksimovna - she did not like to rest on her beloved Nizhnyaya Oreanda. The place for the construction of the residence was chosen unsuccessfully - according to the KGB leadership. The site was visible from all sides, it was surrounded by forests, behind was a busy highway connecting Sevastopol and Yalta. Ensuring safety for Gorbachev and his family was not easy. Of course, it was forbidden to approach the dacha, and to take photographs, even from the “correct” distance, was also prohibited.

From the beginning of the construction of the dacha to this day, Foros has been regularly “drowned”: there is no end to the rumors that the residence is slipping into the water, although almost 30 years have passed since the construction of the complex, and it remains in its place. The site on which an important state facility was being erected was indeed considered a landslide, so all Zarya's structures were built on solid piles resting on the rock.

They say that the dacha for Gorbachev was built in a hurry, which could not but affect the quality of construction - of course, in a negative way. On the first visit of the General Secretary's family to Zorya, a poorly attached wooden cornice fell on the Gorbachevs daughter. The blow was not strong, but the punishment was not long in coming - a number of people responsible for the construction lost their jobs.

Despite the fact that Gorbachev advocated glasnost, journalists were not allowed to attend the state dacha in Foros, and citizens photographing the vicinity of the residence could, at least, be exposed to film. The first correspondents were able to get into Zarya by the end of the August putsch.

Photo: Server Amzaev /

Information on the cost of building a residence in Foros varies greatly. In some sources, the amount of 100 million rubles is called, in others - many times greater costs. In the second half of the 1980s, one ruble was equal to about $ 1.5. Accordingly, the dacha cost the country $ 150 million - at the bottom.

For the last summer weekend 2016, offers almost 100 properties in Foros, located two kilometers from the dacha "Zarya". The minimum cost of accommodation for two people is 2.5 thousand rubles.

In the early 2000s, the Ukrainian authorities, according to the Kommersant newspaper, had an idea to turn the village of Foros into Davos for the CIS countries. It never came to implementation. It is believed that many politicians in the post-Soviet space disliked Foros for his role in the 1991 coup. After Gorbachev was isolated at a local dacha, the entire area of \u200b\u200bCape Sarych earned a bad political reputation.

And yet, many prominent figures did not forget about Zarya after August 1991. At various times, the residence was visited by the current head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, and even Prince of Wales Charles.

Ekaterina Rumyantseva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalinka Group: “The market value of a state property in Foros with a complex of a three-storey building, an administrative building, service buildings and a health center can be estimated at 300 million to 800 million rubles, depending on the condition of the facilities. After the reconstruction, its cost will increase by one and a half to two times, but due to the gloomy trail of 25-year-old history, the object is unlikely to find a new owner. Investors who are eyeing real estate on the Crimean coast are more interested in new construction than objects of the late Soviet period, albeit epoch-making in a unique location. The most effective will be the use of the complex as a spa hotel and an excursion historical object - after reconstruction and equipping with modern equipment. "